“You Should Be Here!”

If you know anything about Cole Swindell, then you know the significance of this song. Fortunately millions of his fans do. And we needed to reach out to those passionate fans to execute a promotion wherein we only had 48 hours to get it done. And we used Facebook to make it happen. Here’s how it went…and remember, this was in just 48 hours on a brand new page without an existing fan base on the page. So we had to rely solely on Facebook to generate the buzz. But we weren’t at all concerned as we knew we could personally connect with his fans, wherever they might be.  And we were right!
video views
contest entries

The Challenge

Our client, a large festival held annually in Wilmington, North Carolina, needed to drive more brand awareness and raise revenue. The festival grounds allowed for a lot more attendees than who had purchased tickets in advance. In talking with the concessionaire, we found that the event had a merch/concessions/parking per cap of $32.00.
That told us that for every person we could get to the festival, the event would realize an additional $32.00 in revenue. Could we generate an additional $50,000.00 in revenue with only 48 hours to make it happen? 

How Was It Executed?

We used a video marketing strategy that was designed to QUICKLY grow a very targeted Custom Audience and a large, yet geographically precise, Lookalike Audience. What makes the results of this promotion so significant is that it was limited to just 48 hours from start to finish and it was directed to a market of people who reside within 50 miles of Wilmington, North Carolina.  We used a combination of front facing video and “dark posts” directed at other targeted audiences compiled from various interests. Pretty simple eh? The magic comes in the back end targeting and Facebook advertising strategy.

Takeaway Learned?

We were challenged to drive substantial traffic and engagement in a very, very, short period of time. Most agencies need weeks and sometimes months to execute promotions such as these. We confirmed that we can “out engage” just about any brand property, ESPECIALLY on a local level, with our Facebook ads strategy. And the best part of it all, is that with our precise targeting and high levels of engagement, we obtain higher conversions at a lower cost!
in additional incremental revenue
emails to remarket to annually
very happy client

What Do We Do?

Our team can run a campaign in any market in America. Very simply, we drive massive interaction with current and prospective customers in ANY geographic area. Down the street, or across the country, and we get them engaged with your business. Many businesses that we work with have advertising agencies that make and place their commercials. But those commercials don’t work on Facebook or Instagram. In fact, they serve to actually HURT your brand on those platforms. Our campaigns are also MUCH less expensive than traditional television, radio, or newspaper advertising. We eat them for lunch!

 We Build Promotions And Campaigns That:

  • Can Be Created And Up And Running In As Little As 48 Hours
  • Drive Substantial Brand Awareness
  • All You To Create Viable Custom Audiences For Ongoing Remarketing (you can’t do that with traditional media)
  • Stimulate Immediate Sales

And we do this for a fraction of what you’d pay for a local television, radio, or newspaper campaign.

 Facebook Products Used In This Promotion

  • Geo-Targeted Custom Audiences
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Lookalike Audiences
  • Custom Conversions
  • Video (1250×1250) / (1080×1920)
  • Facebook Messenger Automation
  • Auto-to-Manual Bidding Sequencing

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