The Islamaorada Legend

When you think of Islamorada what do you think of? Bartender parties? Hemingway? Golfing? Or do you think of AMAZING sport fishing? Did you know there’s a luxury  resort located in the sport fishing capital of the world? The Cheeca Lodge might just be the finest hotel that you never heard of. But once you visit it, you’ll be back. There’s no doubt.
video views
video contest entries

The Challenge

Getting people to experience a hotel property allows the property to sell itself. Think about your favorite vacations…chances are you remember where you stayed an how you were treated.  And if you have a great experience you come back and you tell your friends. (gotta love social media)

But if you’re an exclusive luxury hotel, off of the beaten path, it’s a bit harder to get those new visitors. Luckily Facebook allows for precise worldwide targeting wherein we can look to attract the right kind of guests. So the challenge was to create a campaign that only brought out the most interested and most “appropriate” particpants.

How Was It Executed?

Anybody can do a sweepstakes on Facebook. But the biggest problem you run into is everyone wants a freebie and if they don’t win you never hear from them again and sometimes when the do win you never hear from them again. That’s why people who advocate sweepstakes and contests end up dropping the ball if they don’t know how to bring in the type of participant who wants, needs, and can afford what you have to offer.
There’s no sense in giving away an iPad to someone just for clicking “like”…unless you have no desire to build a targeted audience. So how do you correctly execute a promotion while making sure it’s the right people participating?
There are a number of ways, but here’s what we did:

1. We created a video contest where the participant was required to make a video telling us why they wanted to come to Cheeca Lodge & Spa

2. We uploaded a list of past guests of the hotel and created a LookALike audience from that list to ensure we were targeting an audience that met the profile of the type of person we wanted to participate
3. We layered that audience with various, relevant interests.
This recipe pretty much guaranteed us success.

Takeaway Learned?

We knew from other clients that video contests bring in a much higher quality of participant. If you require people to make an effort a few things happen.


1. You get participants who are exhibiting a STRONG interest in your offer
2. You are getting a good amount of UGC (user generated content)
3. You are building an even better database for ongoing remarketing. (if you’re not remarketing you are missing out on the most cost-effective marketing available to you)
new room nights from 85 new bookings
in incremental revenue driven by campaign
people to market to from an extremely targeted lookalike audience

What Do We Do?

Our team can run a campaign in any market in America. Very simply, we drive massive interaction with current and prospective customers in ANY geographic area. Down the street, or across the country, and we get them engaged with your business. Many businesses that we work with have advertising agencies that make and place their commercials. But those commercials don’t work on Facebook or Instagram. In fact, they serve to actually HURT your brand on those platforms. Our campaigns are also MUCH less expensive than traditional television, radio, or newspaper advertising. We eat them for lunch!

 We Build Promotions And Campaigns That:

  • Can Be Created And Up And Running In As Little As 48 Hours
  • Drive Substantial Brand Awareness
  • All You To Create Viable Custom Audiences For Ongoing Remarketing (you can’t do that with traditional media)
  • Stimulate Immediate Sales

And we do this for a fraction of what you’d pay for a local television, radio, or newspaper campaign.

 Facebook Products Used In This Promotion

  • Geo-Targeted Custom Audiences
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Lookalike Audiences
  • Custom Conversions
  • Video (1250×1250) / (1080×1920)
  • Facebook Messenger Automation
  • Auto-to-Manual Bidding Sequencing

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