How Was It Executed?
Anybody can do a sweepstakes on Facebook. But the biggest problem you run into is everyone wants a freebie and if they don’t win you never hear from them again and sometimes when the do win you never hear from them again. That’s why people who advocate sweepstakes and contests end up dropping the ball if they don’t know how to bring in the type of participant who wants, needs, and can afford what you have to offer.
There’s no sense in giving away an iPad to someone just for clicking “like”…unless you have no desire to build a targeted audience. So how do you correctly execute a promotion while making sure it’s the right people participating?
There are a number of ways, but here’s what we did:
1. We created a video contest where the participant was required to make a video telling us why they wanted to come to Cheeca Lodge & Spa
2. We uploaded a list of past guests of the hotel and created a LookALike audience from that list to ensure we were targeting an audience that met the profile of the type of person we wanted to participate
3. We layered that audience with various, relevant interests.
This recipe pretty much guaranteed us success.