The Bonefish Way

Bonefish Grill has a very unique proposition. Their mission is to provide a great meal while sharing the founder’s love for catching, cooking and serving fresh fish. In opening new locations or promoting down times, most restaurants follow the same game plan.
However we know that by using Facebook we can reach people who need to eat every day! Eating isn’t seasonal!
And with the power of Facebook we can quickly focus on a geo-targeted demographic with a viable campaign that provides a restaurant with both immediate revenue as well as the development of a database that provides a restaurant with the opportunity to engage new and existing customers with the click of a button.
lower cost per click on conversions
ROI just based on initial incremental revenue
new database entries for ongoing remarketing

The Challenge

As often is the case when we are brought in, annual budgets are already allocated so some businesses struggle finding budget for one-off type campaigns. However, by showing the potential for both immediate and ongoing revenue growth, these one-off campaigns can be very viable.
In that regard, we had to design, develop, and execute a campaign that simultaneously drove awareness, sales and database development.

How Was It Executed?

We used a dinner giveaway campaign that used a very compelling 30 second video as the asset. We split tested 35 different sets of copy and call to action in 200 different segmented audiences. In 48 hours we had determined 5 assets that were working the best and used our proprietary scaling campaign to put the campaign over the top.

Takeaway Learned?

The power of the Facebook pixel is very real. Starting with hundreds of assets and being able to find the sweet spot in a few days was what defined this campaign. If you are not utilizing the data from the Facebook pixel you aren’t marketing in today’s digital world. Being able to know who is responding, why they are responding and the full demographic profile of those responding not only helps with a digital campaign, but can make your offline campaigns more successful as well.
relevant email submits
coupons redeemed
average AOV on coupon based visits

What Do We Do?

Our team can run a campaign in any market in America. Very simply, we drive massive interaction with current and prospective customers in ANY geographic area. Down the street, or across the country, and we get them engaged with your business. Many businesses that we work with have advertising agencies that make and place their commercials. But those commercials don’t work on Facebook or Instagram. In fact, they serve to actually HURT your brand on those platforms. Our campaigns are also MUCH less expensive than traditional television, radio, or newspaper advertising. We eat them for lunch!

 We Build Promotions And Campaigns That:

  • Can Be Created And Up And Running In As Little As 48 Hours
  • Drive Substantial Brand Awareness
  • Generate Substantial Incremental Revenue
  • All You To Create Viable Custom Audiences For Ongoing Remarketing (you can’t do that with traditional media)
  • Stimulate Immediate Sales

And we do this for a fraction of what you’d pay for a local television, radio, or newspaper campaign.

 Facebook Products Used In This Promotion

  • Geo-Targeted Custom Audiences
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Lookalike Audiences
  • Custom Conversions
  • Video (1250×1250) / (1080×1920)
  • Facebook Messenger Automation
  • Auto-to-Manual Bidding Sequencing

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